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FAQs: Discover insights about BrokenInJeans and our shopping journey.

Got questions? We’re here to help!

Need assistance? Check our FAQs or contact our friendly customer service team. We’re dedicated to making your experience at BrokenInJeans outstanding.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship to select countries. Visit our shipping page for details on eligible locations and rates.

What’s your return policy?

Your satisfaction is our priority. If you’re not happy with your purchase, returns are accepted within 30 days. Visit our returns page for more info.

Do you have a rewards program?

Yes, join our loyalty program to earn points on purchases and enjoy exclusive perks. Sign up online or in-store to start earning rewards.

Can I buy gift cards?

Absolutely, we offer gift cards for any occasion. Purchase them online or in-store and use them on any product. They never expire.

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship internationally to select countries. Check our shipping page for details on eligible destinations and rates.

What is your return policy?

We want you to love your purchase. If you’re not satisfied, returns are accepted within 30 days of purchase. Visit our returns page for details.

Do you have a rewards program?

Yes, we offer a loyalty program for our valued customers. Earn points on every purchase and enjoy exclusive perks and discounts. Sign up online or in-store.

Contact BrokenInJeans for All Your Denim Needs

188 Hood Avenue

New York, NY 10001

(555) 987-6543